Wednesday, April 11, 2012

War Mares

Took the day off today to move Luba over to Horses of the Sun in Vars.  Smooth sailing.

Bill arrived just after lunch with his travelling companion, Skye. Skye is a lovely Belgian/Quarter Horse mare who is very protective of her Bill.

Sheila riding Skye on the Pontiac Equestrian Association trails in Gatineau Park
I went for my 30 minute run with Luba just after Bill and Skye arrived. When I got back, they were both turned out in the large paddock, so I turned out Luba too. Bad move.

As soon as Skye noticed Luba, she came charging over. Charging. At a full Gallop. Luba deftly spun and flipped Skye a kick that almost connected with her muzzle and sped away. Skye herded Bill back to the other end of the field and then charged at Luba again, with Bill in tow.

Skye was a sight to behold. I could totally imagine her in a jousting match with a knight fully clad in armour on her back. Luba's agility reminded me of a scene from the Antonio Banderas movie, The 13th Warrior. He plays an Arab courtier who accompanies a band of Norsemen to combat the Wendol, a creature that kills and eats men. They all ride stout war mares like Skye. Antonio rides an Arab war horse. They all laugh at him until he jumps over one of their horses on his Arab.

Any movie with Antonio is a good movie, though I think my favourite is Desperado.

I digress. Back to the story. I went in with my lead rope and caught Skye and removed her from the paddock. Bill and Luba promptly settled. When I left, they were eating and splashing in a large grassy puddle at the bottom on the field.

Can't wait to head back tomorrow!

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