Friday, July 27, 2012

At least it is not a tie up!

Woke at 6 am, said bye to Rob and Olivia and went out to feed Luba. She ate all her breakfast and had a nice lemonade pee :) She nearly ran Chrystal over to get on the trailer and we hit the road at 8am.

Uneventful trip with good travelling weather - between 19 and 24 C as the morning wore on. Got home at noon. Unloaded and Luba started eating everything in sight and drinking.  Noticed that she did not poop on the trailer during the 4 hour trip. Hmmm.

Decided to stay and wait for poo. Eating, drinking, peeing. No pooing. At 1:30, I decided to go for a light ride to loosen her up after the drive.  Walked around the back fields, stopping to eat grass here and there.  Got back to the barn at 2:30, put her in the stall, and suddenly she hunched her back. ADR - ain't doing right. My first thought was tie up, but her hind muscles were fine. She was tucked up and didn't want me stroking her belly. Gave her some banamine (good for either scenario) and called the vet.

Dr. Ben arrived at 3:30 and diagnosed spasmodic colic (characterized by overactive gut sounds rather than the absence of gut sounds). Rectal exam revealed big follicle on her left ovary. Pulled out nice hydrated poo.  Gave her some kind of drug to "reset" her system (must ask what it was). Also gave her antibiotic because several local cases of Potomac Fever have been presenting initially as spasmodic colic and early treatment is important. We are supposed to watch for diarrhea or going off her feed accompanied by fever.  I do not usually vaccinate for Potomac, but sure will once Luba is back to her old self.  Will also start to track her heat cycles more closely to see if there is any correlation between cycling and ADR.

Went back out tonight to check her. She ate a flake of hay and was feeling good. She was quiet but seemed comfortable. Pulse a tad high (38), but nothing to keep me from sleeping tonight! Seemed to know I was worried, so pooped as soon as she came over to see me. Nice hydrated poop. EDPP. Eating, Drinking, Pooing, Peeing.

And Dr. Ben confirmed that this was not a tie up :)


  1. Oh wow... poor Luba. It's been a tough summer for you guys. Sounds like a fairly mild colic anyway, thank goodness!

  2. Mild, thank goodness. And the vet came quick, so it was all over in about 90 minutes :)
