Thursday, May 3, 2012

Don't do it. Be it.

Amazing how easy it is to get up at 5:30 am when it is for an early morning riding lesson. :)

Things have been really hectic at the office, so I haven't even been out to the Horses of the Sun since Sunday. I was due for some Equine Therapy.

Time for lateral work now that we are having some left canter enjoyment. We tacked at the paddock and walked up the laneway to work in a small grassy area near the gate. Working on something new, so working in a new place too. Actually, I think that Sonja knows that I work better outside the riding ring :)

Walking only today. So even though Luba wanted to trot, we kept things under wraps. Warming up in the dewy grass of the cool morning gave me the feeling of warming up before an endurance ride. Normally, if Luba is antsy, I let her trot and work with that. But as Sonja pointed out, if I can also keep her focused at the walk, this adds another tool to the toolkit.

Walking, halting, back-up a couple steps. Walk on. Serpentines and bends. Once Luba and I settled and were working smoothly, we started turns of the forehand from the halt. Then from the walk. Then turns on the haunches, from the halt and then the walk. Before long Luba was very loose and crossing over front and back.

Every now and then, Luba would get antsy and start to jig. Sonja said, "If you don't like it, don't ride it". This seems contradictory to the mantra of "Work with what the horse is giving you". The difference is you choose to work with the good stuff. If you ask for trot but your horse gives you a beautiful canter transition, work with that and then ask for the trot again. If you want your horse to walk but she tucks her nose and starts to jig, you choose not to accept that gift. Don't ride it if you don't like it. Halt. Back up. Start again.

Another tip that helped Luba and I to settle into the walk and lateral work was for me to stop trying so hard. Don't do it. Be it. So I stopped looking down. I stopped jerking my head up when I realized I was looking down. I closed my eyes for a moment and then opened them to find my drishti on the horizon. Let everything soften. Breathe and Luba breathes.

We rode for about 40 minutes total with lovely lateral moves by the end.  Without it even feeling like a riding lesson!

I love Sonja and Horses of the Sun.
Be it.
So ham.

The Horses of the Sun
From the silver steed, the black, the bay
To the golden and the dun
These are the living colours
Among the Horses of the Sun
From the whisper of the autumn wind
To the laughter and the fun
These are the breathing forces
Among the Horses of the Sun
From the first dim light of morning
To the setting of the sun
We speak the peaceful language
Among the Horses of the Sun
From the spirit of the movement
To the tasks not yet begun
Our lives and souls belong
Among the Horses of the Sun