- 1.suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently."it seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain"
synonyms: undergo, go through, live through, experience, meet, encounter; More
You can't change the weather. Spring follows winter. This too will pass.
This was my mantra for the past 3 months. And I was one of the lucky ones who escaped to warmer climes. Running in the Ragnar Relay in Arizona in February gave me a fitness goal, but I have fallen off the wagon since Spring Break. Spring snow storms sent me diving back under the covers on Saturday mornings as I abandoned the running club. The snow never really froze to the ice and the horses have been landlocked in the paddock since January so no real riding to speak of. Woe is me!
So March goes out like a lamb. The snow is melting fast and spring has sprung. So why am I still enduring?
Yesterday morning, I saw an old man running. Not fast, just steady. Reminded me of my Gedo. No, he wasn't a runner. He was a storekeeper in Lenswood, Manitoba. He got up every morning and went next door to open the store. Sweep the floor. Stock the shelves. Serve the customers. He did this for over 50 years. Not fast, just steady.

This is my strategy for riding the Vermont 100 this year. Not fast, just steady. Make haste slowly. And the gods willing, get around with a happy horse!
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