Saturday, December 8, 2012

Show up and do what you can with what you have

So we are getting November weather in December. Wet and hovering just above or just below freezing. And it is December dark.

The bad news is that the only good footing at the farm is the driveway. The good news is that there is a lot of driveway!

I have signed up for the Ottawa Half Marathon in May as a way of motivating myself to run and get stronger for riding. I started a walk/run program at the beginning of November. Alas, after one week, I had strained a tendon in my ankle. Walking was okay, and we got in a few good Sunday morning family hikes in the Gatineau. But no running.

This week, I saw a picture on FB that made me decide that it was time to try running again. What's your excuse?

It is much easier to run with a partner, so I picked Luba.  We walked/ran up and down the driveway on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Then we did a light ride in the rain on Friday. This morning, we walked/ran on the driveway leading to Forced Road which is a quarter of a mile long. Then I tacked up and we trotted and cantered up and down the driveway for about 15 minutes and then walked in the woods for 45 minutes to cool/dry out.

It's not a lot, but it is better than nothing.

Doing the best we can with what we have.

Half the battle is just showing up!

1 comment:

  1. So true, Nancy! You've got to do the best you can with what you've got; good on ya! Keep it up; I'm rooting for you ;-)
